It included a 450 page evidential Addendum, inclusive of hundreds of exhibits of government correspondence, memoranda, and other documentation. Collectively, these detailed a catalogue of abuses perpetrated against Schapelle Corby, in many cases, involving corrupt and criminal conduct.
Both these documents can be viewed directly in PDF form on the following web page: A Formal Crime Report (Domestic).
The response of Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Tony Negus, is detailed below.
The package was delivered and signed for on 25th May 2012.

As no response, or acknowledgement, was forthcoming from either Mr Negus or the AFP, an email reminder was sent on 8th August 2012:
This was followed up during the subsequent week:
A response was forthcoming the following day:
As no response was forthcoming "in the immediate future", a formal Freedom of Information request was submitted on 6th September 2012. As with all other FOI requests submitted to the AFP, with respect to Schapelle Corby, this was subjected to a lengthy pattern of delay and evasion.
The following notification was received on 5th November 2012:
Again, as with every other issue related to the Schapelle Corby case, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) rubber-stamped the AFP position.
To the present date, no further response has been forthcoming, either from Mr Negus, or the AFP.